We Help You Overshoot Your Goals!

Hello, and a very warm welcome to our House of Learning. Here at CrashLessons, we take great pride in teaching some of the most intriguing syllabi of today’s time in the shortest span of time possible!


CONTACT US ON WhatsApp at +923334904457 or email at mohammadomar2209@gmail.com

With CrashLessons, You Don't Need Year-round Tuitions!

Why opt for CrashLessons?

Save Time

Time is of the essence in your educational life. You don’t have to waste it. The final months of your preps need to be THE most fruitful. At CrashLessons, we ensure they are!

Thorough Revision

With your Instructor, you will revise your ENTIRE syllabus, so that you can ace your examination regardless of which specification/syllabus concept it tests for.

Past-Paper Discussion

Together, we shall ensure you are at your most confidant when you enter the examination hall. Attempting Past papers will help eliminate Exam Phobia.

Why Grade 8

You have just begun your IGCSE course, Congratulations! Now’s the time to ensure all the concepts you have been taught up until now are firmly in your grip. This course would also prove a great choice if you do not feel confident about certain areas of your preparation to date. You can leave the course whenever you feel you have covered the portion of the syllabus you wanted to! 

Why Grade 9

It might seem long, but there is not long to go before you have to face your IGCSEs. There is no time to waste! You must be done with your entire specification by the time you finish Grade 9. You will need the last year to attain the confidence needed to tackle any public examination. We can help you accomplish that. Nevertheless, our flexibility means you can leave any time you feel you have done enough.

Why Grade 10

There’s no overstating the importance, and necessity, of this course for you. Very soon, you shall face a make or break situation in your life, and you must ensure this is ‘make’ for you! We will help you complete a revision of the entire course, as well as all the past papers, while also leaving sufficient time for you to self-study! Trust us, this course is more than a must-take for you- it could very well be the difference between a grade 8 and a 9!

Need Advice?

If you need any guidance, support, or more information regarding our CrashLessons, please get in touch with us

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You Dream Instructor Is Here

Mr Mohammad Omar was himself an O, A-Level and SAT  student not long ago. He aced his exams in a historical, record-shattering manner. And now, he wants to help you achieve the same!

Our Story

Hello, and a very warm welcome to our House of Learning – CrashLessons. 

We are a new start-up aiming to become Leaders in Education.

Here at CrashLessons, we take great pride in teaching the most difficult, conceptual and advanced courses of today’s time: O and A/Level, SAT, IELTS and more. Our ambition is to get our students ready for their public examinations in the shortest time possible, because we strongly believe that time is of the essence in your educational life. 

The Instructor has already had a first-hand experience of the rigours of the difficult journey that accompany such examinations, and he will be hoping to transmit the same ethereal energy to you that made him a great success in his own time! 

Boy Studying CrashLessons

Enjoy The Highest Quality of Education, and do it QUICK!

The most difficult, intriguing and mind-buzzing syllabus being taught in an energetic, enthusiastic manner… what’s there to hate? At CrashLessons, we aim to help you accomplish your dream grades in the most efficient and quick manner. We know how valuable your time is, that is why CrashLessons aims to help you achieve your dreams in the shortest possible scale of time. Enrol NOW!

CrashLessons' Facebook Discussion Group

All our students will be part of a private study-only Facebook group where they can discuss questions and answers that confuse them. The Instructor will always be available to solve their queries, and keep the group strictly moderated to ensure that the students can benefit from it in the best manner possible.

Note – Group will be available very soon!