About CrashLessons

Our Story, Aims and Ambitions

Hello, and a very warm welcome to our House of Learning – CrashLessons. 

We are a new start-up aiming to become Leaders in Education.

Here at CrashLessons, we take great pride in teaching the most difficult, conceptual and advanced courses of today’s time: O and A/Level, SAT, IELTS and more. Our ambition is to get our students ready for their public examinations in the shortest time possible, because we strongly believe that time is of the essence in your educational life. The Instructor has already had a first-hand experience of the rigours of the difficult journey that accompany such examinations, and he will be hoping to transmit the same ethereal energy to you that made him a great success in his own time! 

Our company is a collective of amazing people striving to build a delightful institution.

It is a long established fact that a good education is the primary factor in achieving in life, no matter which field that is. Our culture and religion teach us the same. CrashLessons aims to bring high-quality education to those that need it most – students in the final phase of their preparation as they aim for their upcoming Public Exams(O/Level Cambridge and IGCSE Edexcel, A/Levels, and others). 

Our ambition transcends just providing quality education, but has evolved into providing ‘education with excellence‘ at extremely affordable, flexible rates, and developing a strong bond with our students, which we hope will help them sail through today’s fast-paced, ruthless world, and end the journey victors. 

Today’s society has established results as the barometer of success, and our greatest pride are our students who excel with remarkable grades. 

We hope we can be of service to anyone who needs our support. 

That is why we Serve!

What We Do for You

The CrashLessons Team is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days an year to Serve you.

The Future

We plan to introduce several courses, including O/Level, IGCSE and A/Level Courses for Edexcel as well as Cambridge. In addition, we plan to make available SAT I, SAT II Subject Tests, IELTS courses, and MORE! 

We have only just started our journey. This adventure will take us through much, but we are determined to go through brick walls if necessary to give our students an unforgettable experience!

The Present

Currently, we invest our energies heavily in serving IGCSE Edexcel Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Students. We aim to be unique! Our courses do not span 10 months or more, like conventional tuitions do. Within a span of about four months, we promise to prepare you enough to reach your full potential in your final exams. Enrollments for the January to April session are now open! Enroll Now!

CrashLessons will always maintain its company motto, Education with Excellence. Our aim is to provide the highest quality of education at the best rates, so that NO student fails to avail themselves of this opportunity to produce results that make their family and parents, their teachers, friends and most of all, THEMSELVES proud! 

We aspire to produce students, who will be talked about throughout the world. These alumni of CrashLessons will change the world for better, and a solid foundation is what will help them achieve their goal. CrashLessons is all about helping them get exactly this kind of base.

Need Advice?

If you need any guidance, support, or more information regarding our CrashLessons, feel free to contact us anytime! Our Team is always happy to help!